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[[handwritten line down on the left side of page until last 4 lines of the written page]]

[[written on left side of page in a vertical direction]] condense greatly [[/written on left side of page in a vertical direction]]

stopped in the [[insertion]] Sante Fe ^ [[/insertion]] art school to see Jo + Teresa + there say an Indian girl doing American designs - Her notebook was full of such stuff as linoleum and wall paper are made of. You could not have told it from [[underlined]] the works [[/underlines]] of any industrious and fairly gifted American student, which is to say it was clever but wearisome. Three Indian girls who stay [[??]] at the Govt. school are taking this course.  I came home to say "why aren't they studying with Miss Morrow who has purely Indian designs + teaches that to the pupils out there?" and and [[underlined]] this set [[/underlined]] us to looking into the works of the arts [[underlined]] department [[/underlined]] from I am told on all sides that this department is being criticised severely [[strikethrough]] about town [[/strikethrough]] in certain quarters. My own belief is that Indians should teach at Indians schools where that is possible and above all, their arts and crafts [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] and design should be taught by them and by no other.  With our own eyes we have seen how superb a teacher [[insertion]] of designs ^ [[/insertion]] Julian is, and I do not doubt Maria [[insertion]] and usually [[??]] another ^ [[/insertion]] is equally good as teachers of pottery + they do have a good [[insertion]] Navajo ^ [[/insertion]] man for the silver and did have aa Navajo woman for weaving and we do not understand why she was dropped. Sante Fe is so centred among the pueblos that teachers of design could be drawn from each pueblo for certain months, thus giving each a chance to [[strikethrough]] inefesses [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] set forth its own principles and working no one too hard and steadily. For crops must be tended and babies reared.
On Tuesday Mr Ferris, the Rhodes + Mary Wheelwright found the room all and more than they had expected. We need a council at one of the tables and each promised to help towards the world's fair or any other building that might seem a probable place for decorating.  Some letter will be written and publicite [[??]] of the right sort invited - 
at Mrs Rhodes' tea at La Fonda all had heard of the decorations + much curiosity aroused - 2 detect some nervousness - what crazy things will Indians do as murals? Mrs Rhodes introduces me with a flourish as the "high commissioness [[??]] of Indians" - and never misses a chance to praise and glorify the mural.