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Sat. July 30 [[insertion]] 1932 [[/insertion]] - [[strikethrough]] Louise want [[??]] at [[/strikethrough]] This morning Mr Faris [[insertion]] + I ^ [[/insertion]] assemble [[??]] entrance hall - The three reds and the three whites look [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] with some amusement upon the [[insertion]] astonishing ^ [[/insertion]] walls of the little [[strikethrough]] entrance [[/strikethrough] hall.  [[insertion]] Blue + emerald hills [[underlined]] greet [[/underlined]] us. ^ [[/insertion]] First we encounter [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] a lone [[underlined]] buffalo [[/underlined]] running with all his might away from the entrance door. Over him soars a stiffly academic hawk and behind him rises an emerald hill. Unmindful of his advance a large family of turkeys strutted on the green and from then on, the place is alive with deer, antelope, birds, bear, eagle, - and and behind rise snow capped mountains of pasty oil paint. My mind goes back to [[insertion]] a diu papet [[??]] ^ [[/insertion]] handpainted oils in large gilt frames that some desperate sales agent had driven my mother into buying and hanging on her walls for one brief season - but in one corner I [[strikethrough]] saw [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] a ray of hope --- now there is a pleasant field Romauds [[??]] lets have all this strictly solid painting out of the back ground - what do you say?" "yes I think  so - we can take this green all out, it will be better " and together we struggle [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] with those hills  until they lie flat and serene behind the restless beasts. "How don't mind wht I say" spoke Ms Faris "but it seems to me, [[strikethrough]] all these [[/strikethrough]] there is no repose among these animals - everyone is doing something -- on the go + My idea of fineness [[??]] in a painting is that it shall have repose and restraint." "and not only in the pose of animals but in technique"ses [[??]] their teacher. These words of wisdom are so interspersed with jokes [[??]] that we stand in the sweet morning sunshine and play [[strikethrough]] at [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] with our problems, and the difficulties [[underlined]] iron [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] themselves out." Buffalo stampede when there are a lot together, but when alone [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] I have sketched them in the parks [[??]] they stood quietly and grazed or ruminated."  Mr Faris says the blue circular sand painting [[strikethrough]] afraid [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] must go if it is offensing to anyone - that if [[??]] is a policy of the school that the old people at home must be always considered before all - 
I am glad - 

Transcription Notes:
theres a lot of blur on some of the words making it difficult to read