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[[underlined]] Sun. Aug - 7 [[/underlined]] - Tea at Cyrus McCormicks and at all these teas hearty congratulations come from all sides on the Indian work which some say is the greatest of all Indian work because constructive & with great future. 

Mon. Aug 8. Dr. Renaud brought color plates of the cave drawings of France and Spain to show the Indian painters who were interested by these 40,000 and 20,000 year-old master pieces. (The Peruvian pottery & sculpture interested the women potters). However, as Dr Renaud says, these drawings are primitive - the expressive of unlearned men who put down brilliantly what they saw - our Indians have a sophisticated art - they record not what they see but what they think - They arrange symbols into designs - Dances by 6 - Hobeah, Richard Quoyanema and three others - Julian leading the drum & chant - large [[?]] people - enthusiastic. Thomson Seton calling me sister - says work beyond words to describe - the thing he has been working for for years. 

[[underlined]] Tues. Aug 9 [[/underlined]] - Great to-do getting our panels ready for Gallup - ready to paint. Velino appears in response to our invitation to come to paint - looking quite a man of the world compared to the slight boy I used to know - when I bought an excellent pot from his mother at their home in Zia & Velino, Romando, Albert & Richard & I all set to work mixing paints, purchasing new materials, priming & painting panels -

The pattern of my days is so rich I am tempted to turn aside to mention a passing caravan of 6 white covered wagons, [[strikethrough]] with weary [[/strikethrough]] drawn by weary ponies other ponies following by rope, and brown faces of men women & children peering curiously out to see what our [[strikethrough]] strange [[/strikethrough]] array of trees and strange ill-assorted houses on green laws [[strikethrough]] might be [[/strikethrough]] might be, as Romando & I hurry across the campus - equally curious to see them - coming from God knows where, gone to Heaven knows what. Our thought to tell them of the pueblo men's [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wish to have a table to themselves - and funny aside of human interest; of Mr. Rush of Gallup [[?]] so keep about our work and anxious to have the boys glance at Gallup - and that I come to Navajo country to direct the murals there -