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of the right sort are used - good design with meanings suited to the place they are to hold, and designs that your people back home will not mind your using." "Yes" said Tsosi. 
*I enquired of Ogwa Pi which painter had used the peculiar primer on the new panel. "A Tall man" "An Indian?" "No - a Pale face" "I will find that Pale face & scalp him", *I have been driven to despair while the head painter is away - 
Quoyarema the sunny one appeared and I went to their room to see the water colors he & Hobeah were making for Gallup Ceremonial - brilliant drawings with quite lovely detail - in their white little room with its two white beds and two open windows looking out upon the mountains. They have high hopes of selling many at Gallup, as they did last year. I hope they do not have thought too of the prizes, for Sloan & Chapman are on the jury, and they are actively against the Kiowa art, considering it over influenced by Jacobson - Shall I open their eyes to this certain fate, or leave them to the bliss of hoping. Their main ambition seems to be to sell many paintings & have a big show. "Do you never to to Hopiland?" Not for a long time. You have relatives there? Oh yes - father, sisters, brothers, many relatives I would like to see you paint Hopi. I wish you could go back to learn the ways of your people in painting. It would be good. Not many from there paint. And Fred Kabotie is very talented but doesn't paint quite Hopi any more. To paint Hopi might be very good, and you would [[strikethrough]] learn to [[/strikethrough]] with your ability be doing something quite different from anyone else.