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Mon - To Albuquerque with Alice Hill who picks up every Indian who asks for a ride - One from San Ildefonso told of a race and dance at Santa Ana - and on leaving Albuquerque Alice determined to drive to S.A. - this to my surprise as I knew of no way to get across the ^ [[insertion]] treacherous Jemez [[/insertion]] river - We crossed safely to the middle sands & went down dismally in the current, the car sinking slowly in the quicksand. Leisurely [[strikethrough]] Indians [[/strikethrough]] Santa Anans stood on the bank and ^ [[insertion]] observed us [[/insertion]] at last came to help - By the time horses & wagon were brought the back wheels were submerged. It required many men to fairly lift the little roadster out & we returned to Santa Fe without seeing Santa Ana though we had stood on her banks ^ [[insertion]] shoes in hand & [[/insertion]] dripping with the wet sands of the river.
Tues - 
Wed - Beginning of work in Hall - and planning Gallup exhibit - Talk on new movement in Mural Decoration before a woman's club.
Thurs - While sketching burros by river with Jo & Bill, two S. Domingo Indians came selling jewelry & expressed disapproval of the murals when the conversation had drifted that way - What is it you do not like? After some persuasion one said the one in the corner - it proved to be Albert's blue circle sand painting. For religious reasons or because you don't like it? "For rel. reasons." "But that is a Navajo Sand painting." "It should not be there." "I am sorry. I asked the boys all - not to put anything on the walls their people could object to." "It should not be there. In Domingo we do not paint ^ [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[indecipherable]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Indian ^ [[insertion]] designs [[/insertion]] except in the Kivas." "But you put Indian designs on your jewelry" (pointing to his silver belts, buckles, rings bracelets). "It is  all right to paint horses and pictures like you are doing now - but not the designs." I understand his meaning, that something sacred has been flaunted before the world - and am heavy of heart. For he was serious.
Fri - Today I asked Ramondo over to the corner of the Dining room where Albert's circular sand painting is, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] he could see nothing wrong with it but after thinking on the matter he said "In our Pueblos ^ [[insertion]] here [[/insertion}} we do not picture the masked dances for they are secret and not for the white man to see, and I believe it is that face - he thinks that face is a mask."  [[circled]] over [[/circled]]