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1. Hieroglyphs from [[Puye]]
2. [[Kirabath?]] ancient & Modern
3. Mission Church in pueblo of Santa Clara (Spanish influence)
4. [[Laguna]] - Indian & Spanish
5. Domestic Architecture [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]]
6. Grouping and roofs
7. Taos - new house ^[[showing]] adobe bricks
8. Taos. forerunner of modern silhouette.
9. Pottery. Silver. Weaving. {Navajo and Pueblo
10. Pot. Rose of San Ildefonso.
11. Maria & Julian {pottery & mural {painter
12. Grandchildren of Maria & Julian
13. Chorus - The Dance - [strikethrough]] religious art [[/strikethrough]]
14. Comanche dance - [[strikethrough]] figures. [[/strikethrough]]
15. Buffalo dance. [[strikethrough]]mountain [[??]] buffalo [[/strikethrough]]
16. Deer - Awa Tsireh & Oqwa Pi.
17. Richard-(O-pa-mu-nu)
18. Deer & Antelope. Costume art
19. Son of Oqwa Pi. [[strikethrough]] Costume [[/strikethrough]

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20. Daughter of ^[[a]] Potter.
21 & 22. Costume. [[strikethrough]] Butterfly? Comanche? [[/strikethrough]]
23. Dance costume. [[strikethrough]] [[??]]
24. Kiva
25. Sun Symbol. ^[[wall]] painting in Indian school dining room.
[[strikethrough]] Kiva - in houses - not large always looking for traces of murals, watercolors, & sand p. Indian does not [[underlined]]know [[/underlined]] our habits or architecture. As we do not think his thoughts he does not think our way. Mr. Faris - murals - called students & artists [[/strikethrough]]
26. Students' dining room in Indian school at Santa Fe. N.M. 
27. Scaffolding. 2 Working on 1 picture.
28. Opa mu nu [[strikethrough]] Scale [[/strikethrough]]
29. "[[ditto for Opa mu nu]] & Zuni & Julian. design of Deer dance as seen [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] in no. 16-
30. Navajo students of school sand painting designs [[strikethrough]] in sand - erase - nomads - sheep - horses - blanket weaving - silver [[/strikethrough]]