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31. [[strikethrough]] Middle figure in dirt [[/strikethrough]] Design by [[Tsosie?]]
32. opposite side of room - between windows. [[strikethrough]] 600 children [[/strikethrough]]
33. Yei - [[insertion]] Navajo - god or hero [[/insertion]] with rainbow.
34. Thunder bird by O pa mu nu
35. Thunder bird Tse-ye-mu
36. Thunder bird by {several artists {Julian finished
37. Eagle dance by [[Quoyaveuva??]]
a Hopi in Kiowa County
38. Ceremonial.  [[strikethrough]] [[illegible??]] Arts & Crafts [[/strikethrough]]
39. Hunting: Oqua Pi (same artist in dance no. 16)
40. Oqwa Pi. [[strikethrough]] Rainbow head [[/strikethrough]]
41. Rainbow by Navajos (familiar scene in dining room.
42. [[strikethrough]] Navajo-- [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] Navajo weaving [[/insertion]] by Albert. 
43. Pueblo game [[strikethrough]] & daily labor [[/strikethrough]]
44. Antelope-cloud & l. symbol
45. Hokeah  {spear & shield ceremony - prayer to great Spirit-
46. The great serpent.
47. Zuni symbolism (last of -dining room-slides)
48. Design by Julian, a master of design from San Ildefonso

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[[start page]]

49. ^[[Serpent & Thunderbird by Miguel]] San Ildefonso 
50. Sand painting by [[Tsosie?]]
unfinished [[strikethrough]] -detail [[/strikethrough]]
51. Sand painting. Albert corn-bean-squash-tobacco-rainbow. 4 [[yea?]]-stand on rays of light. pool. roots. Bird of the east. always a meaning-
52. Kiowa. feather dance.
53. Corn dance - Tse ye mu [[??]]
54. [[Tonita?]] Co Chiti [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]
55. [[Tonita's?]] Eagle dance.
56. Buffalo Dance. Awa Tsireh [[strikethrough]] away all summer. was in N.Y. early painter highly sophisticated - [[/strikethrough]]
57. Velino-Buffalo hunt [[strikethrough]] Wash. [[/strikethrough]]
58. " " "[ditto for Velino - Buffalo hunt] [[strikethrough]] N.Y. [[/strikethrough]]