Viewing page 10 of 36

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[[underlined]] To April 10- [[/underlined]]
Pop chala 70.
hotel  12.50
loan   10.
checks 22.50

[[five column table]]
|Awas T. 10 (2 fives)|Herowing Cruz 10 Paid|Pablita 10|Pop. C.|   |
|  5  |Tough. 5| 50 paid 10 [[sum]]40|   |Apriol 11|
|  5  |  3  |    |    |April 14|
|     |     |    |Iquatino P. 5| April 20|
|  10 |  5  |Beu 5| Theodora 5| (extra 2.-) for border|April 22|
|     |  2  |Paid| Paid|Paid| April 25|
|  4  | Pais|due school for Beu & Thorora|due school for Ignatiuis| April 29|
|20 5 MY 11|   |  20|  10 |MAY 1ST|
|59 PD. 150 -59 = due Ava T. = 91|15 Paid due Tony & school 30|all settlements made May 12 1939|   |   |
[[/five column table]]

Transcription Notes:
Appears to be an accounting of amounts owed to contributors. Caution: columns and cells somewhat arbitrary.