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^[[ Katchinas - [[strikethrough]] Ralph Hotewa Oraibi Ariz [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[underlined]] PRIZE LIST FOR THE FIESTA INDIAN MARKET [[/underlined]] 1950 The New Mexico Association on Indian Affairs will award prizes for the best articles in each class in the whole market, not to each pueblo as formerly. POTTERY [[underlined]] Large Storage Jars [[/underlined]] First,$10 Second, $5 [[underlined]] Large Water Jars [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 Third, $2 [[underlined]] Canteens [[/underlined]] First, $3 Second, $2 ^[[pencil mark]] [[underlined]]Modeled Animals, over 6"[[/underlined]] First, $3 Second, $2 ^[[pencil line going from above "First" to "Single Figures" in PAINTINGS section below]] ^[[ second [[?]] [[pencil line going from this insertion to inserted notes at bottom of page]] ]] ^[[ 2 [[pencil line going from this insertion to inserted notes next to LEATHER GOODS section below]] Prizes for good innovations may be awarded at the discretion of the judges. TEXTILES [[underlined]] Hand-Woven Dresses [[/underlined]] First, $10 Second, $5 [[underlined]] Hand-Woven Shoulder Robes [[/underlined]] First, $10 Second, $5 [[underlined]] Woman's Belt [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Ceremonial-type White Sash [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Embroidered Sash [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 Prizes may be awarded for innovations and miscellaneous articles at the discretion of the judges. CEREMONIAL DRUMS One prize of $5 PAINTINGS [[underlined]] Group Painting [[/underlined]] First, $10 Second, $5 Third, $3 [[underlined]] Single Figures [[/underlined]] ^[[Cochiti - owls]] ^[[Damacia - ]] First, $5 ^[[Eucarnacion]] Second, $3 ^[[ -Justino Herrero ----Cochiti ]] Third, $2 ^[[San [[?]] Eucarnacion]] JEWELRY [[underlined]] Necklaces, silver [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Necklaces, stone or shell [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Belt, silver [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Bracelet, silver [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 A very superior necklace or belt might receive a prize of $10. ^[[Cochiti Justino]] ^[[ [[strikethrough]] Harriet Naranjo Santa Clara 3 [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] BASKETS [[underlined]] Yucca [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Willow [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Other Material [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 ^[[Museum - San [[?]] ]] ^[[Joe V. Aguilar]] ^[[ [[Warnu?]] Mountain ]] LEATHER GOODS [[underlined]] Traditional Pueblo Moccasins [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 [[underlined]] Tanned Skins [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 ^[[To Viagra]] ^[[ [[circled in right margin]] Mrs Adelaide Sicneros 3 pottery dogs Santa Clara Pueblo [[/circled]] ]] WOOD-CARVING ^[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Katchinas [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 ^[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Other Wood-carving [[/underlined]] First, $5 Second, $3 Other objects of special merit or interest, not included in the above list, may be awarded prizes at the discretion of the judges, and the judges will not award prizes in any classification if, in the opinion of the judges, the articles exhibited are not of prize-winning quality. ^[[ 1 - owls - top 3 2 - bulls Reyes m. [[Homer?]] Zia Pueblo [[strikethrough]] Flora Naranjo Santa Clara, Pue. painted pottery [[/strikethrough]] 2 Margarita Naranja horses bull [[arrow pointing to "2 - bulls" above]] [[buffalo?]] ]]