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[[underlined]] Construction Phase [[/underlined]]:  A fixed-price contract award is expected about June 1, 1983, with construction commencing 45 to 60 days later; construction should be completed in about 30 months (January 1986). A favorable bidding climate is anticipated. The present estimate of construction costs is $63 million including contingencies, but exclusive of site preparation, reserves, Freer modifications and tunnel connection (to be bid and constructed later to minimize disruption to the Freer programs), and design and management fees. In order to permit the Institution to accept quickly a favorable bid, it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to accept a General Services Administration contract for the construction of the Quadrangle project, provided that the final contract cost does not exceed $63 million, exclusive of construction directly associated with the Freer Gallery.

[[underlined]] Museum Support Center and Inventory of Collections [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Museum Support Center [[/underlined]]: Construction is virtually complete at year's end, and beneficial occupancy is anticipated for mid-February. In the following months, prior to program and collection occupancy, security and information systems, laboratory equipment, and some collection storage equipment will be installed. Installation of "wet" storage equipment will begin in May 1983, and the development of specifications for other collection storage equipment is on schedule. A special task force has been planned for the relocation of collections and personnel to the Center.

[[underlined]]Inventory of Collections [[/underlined]]: All museum inventories are expected to have complete baseline surveys in 1983. Museums inventorying the more complex collections at the "batch" level will continue after 1983 to refine data with greater detail. All Museum Support Center-bound collections will be inventoried on an item-by-item basis to assure full inventory control.

[[underlined]] Whipple Observatory Headquarters[[/underlined]]

The Smithsonian is seeking to purchase two acres of land from the Tubac School District in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, and two acres adjoining from private owners, to provide a site for the permanent headquarters of the Whipple Observatory. The converted school building, presently leased, serves as the base office and staging area for the mountain research activities. A larger, more efficient headquarters facility is needed, and this site is advantageously located. Funding for the acquisition of the acreage ($150,000) will be sought in the Institution's budget request for Fiscal Year 1985. In accordance with the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests its Congressional members to introduce and support legislation providing for the purchase of land and facilities for the Headquarters of the Whipple Observatory as proposed.