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the implementation of new collections management policies for the Department as well as Museum and the appointment of a new Department Chairman. The Executive Committee expressed pleasure at the manner in which the Secretary and his administration have handled both the review and the follow-up measures.

The Committee outlined the recent events which led to the Institution's declination of a thoughtful but hasty proposal by two members of the United States Senate that the Smithsonian become the recipient of the historic Washington house, "The Lindens." Members of the Executive Committee had discussed the proposal with the Chancellor and the Secretary in late December 1982, and it was agreed that there was not sufficient time to develop a coherent program and budget for the appropriate use of this landmark.

Mr. Hohenlohe summarized the Financial Reports, noting particularly the Institution's receipt of a fiscal year 1983 appropriation and the allowances received from the Office of Management and Budget for fiscal year 1984. The Executive Committee praised the fine work of the Secretary and his staff, particularly Assistant Secretary Jameson and Budget Officer Jon E. Yellin, at successfully representing the needs of the Institution, and noted additionally the excellent record of return on the Institution's investments. Mr. Hohenlohe said that the auxiliary activities appear to be running ahead of budget, although it is too early in the year to revise the year's projections. He also reported that two foreign field bank accounts and three regional accounts have been closed in accordance with the Secretary's authority, and noted that with the implementation of an