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[[underlined]]Five-Year Prospectus, FY 1984-1988 [[/underlined]]

Mr. Jameson presented a summary of the [[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus [[/underlined]] process using several charts. The first chart identified priority areas that have been highlighted in the first [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] in January 1979 and the status of those priorities four years later. He noted that the Institution had been quite successful in many important areas including collections management, acquisition of new facilities for research and public use, publication programs, museum security, and development of the trust fund endowment. Less success had been realized in building support for basic research, a priority emphasized in the current edition of the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] covering fiscal years 1984-1988.

A second chart compared financial projections of four years ago for fiscal years 1983 and 1984 with present estimates for those years. Overall, expenditures are expected to be somewhat higher than anticipated in federal appropriations, trust funds, and federal grants and contracts. Looking ahead over the next five-year. Of fiscal years 1984-1988, HR showed overall growth and expenditures from about $305 million in fiscal year 1984 to $436 million in fiscal year 1988. While a portion of this growth is the additional resources needed to operate, maintain, and protect the Quadrangle and to strengthen program and support activity, much of the growth is related to legislative pay raises for civil service employees, the expected higher costs of sustaining current levels of trust funded activity, and the need to keep up with the maintenance and repair of facilities.

A final chart addressed Quadrangle operating cost projections in greater detail because of the importance of this project in Institutional planning.