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[[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus, FY 1984-88 [[/underlined]]

Given to the Regents in draft in September and prepared for approval by the Board at the January 24 meeting, the [[underlined]]Prospectus[[/underlined]] incorporates the results of action on the FY 1983 appropriation and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) decisions regarding the Institution's FY 1984 budget request. The following table portrays the summary effects of these actions with regards to FY 1984, and projections for FY 1988.

[[table, 5 columns]]
[[underlined]] ($000) | Draft Five-Year Prospectus (September 20, 1982) | Five-Year Prospectus (January 24, 1983)
--- | FY 1984 | FY 1988 | FY 1984 | FY 1988 [[/underlined]]

Federal Appropriation
Salaries & Expenses | $154,498 | $205,280 | $149,451 | $201,400
Restoration & Renovation | 11,615 | 14,150 | 9,000 | 14,735 [[underlined]] [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] /
Zoo Construction | 3,500 | 4,1250 | 3,500 | 4,150
Construction | - | 5000 | - | 5,000
Cumulative effect of
  pay supplementals | [[underlined]] 8,100 [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] / [[underlined]] 35,000 | 9,203 [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]] / | [[underlined]] 36,170 [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] [[/underlined]]
Subtotal | 177,713 |  263,580 | 171,154 | 261,555

Trust Funds
(Gross Applied)
Unrestricted | 112,308 | 149,793 | 112,308 | 149,793
Restricted | [[underlined]] 7,333 | 7,058 | 7,333 | 7,058 [[/underlined]]
Subtotal | 119,641 | 156,851 | 119,641 | 156,851

Federal grants and
  contracts | [[underlined]] 14,391 | 17,789 | 14,391 | 17,789 [[/underlined]]

Total | $311,745 | $438,220 | $305,186 | $436,195 [[/table]]

[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] / Reflects recent (1/15) rephrasing of selected projects.

[[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] / Adjusted to include effects of FY 1983 pay supplemental. Also reflects an approximate 5% to 6% pay increase in future years.