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[[underlined]] Museum Support Center and Inventory of Collections [[/underlined]]

The Secretary outlined the following report which had been distributed in advance of the meeting.

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As of December 20, 1982, the Museum Support Center construction was virtually complete. Extensive testing of the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems continues and cleaning of the building is underway. A variety of finish work details are being completed, and a comprehensive  punch-list of items to be corrected or completed prior to acceptance of the building is being developed.

The Institution is scheduled to gain beneficial occupancy of the Museum Support Center in mid-February 1983. At that time, operation of the facility will be assumed by appropriate personnel providing for security, plant operations, and building management. During the months preceding program and collection occupancy there will be numerous activities associated with installation of security and information systems, laboratory equipment, and collection storage equipment.

The contract for collection storage equipment for the "wet" collections in Pod 3 is underway with submittal of shop drawings in progress.  Installation of the prototype is scheduled for May 1983.  Development of the specifications for collection storage equipment for Pods 1, 2 and 4 continues on schedule.  The architects' preliminary budget estimates are being evaluated by the Smithsonian and the General Services Administration.

A contract is expected to be awarded prior to the end of December 1982 for the installation by May 1, 1983 of security devices, sensors, watch tour system, and card reader system at the Museum Support Center.  The system will