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In accordance with the Secretary's suggestion the following motion was approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents awards the Langley Medal to H. Ross Perot, Jr. and Jay Coburn in recognition of the aeronautical significance of their record-breaking circum-navigation of the world in a helicopter, September 1 to 30, 1982.

[[underlined]] Discussion of Mall Parking and Report on Space Needs and Plans [[/underlined]]

The Secretary discussed the following Report on Space Needs and Plans which had been distributed in advance of the meeting.  In discussion the Regents agreed with the Executive Committee's recommendation that the staff should update the figures and findings of the June 30, 1980 DeLeuw, Cather study, "Special Studies of Visitation, Transportation and Parking for the Museums on the Mall" (see September 27, 1980 Minutes, pp. 104-5).  A revised study should include current financial data and an assessment of the viability of underground Mall parking garages as a self-liquidating project; an up-to-date analysis of the patterns of use of the garage in the National Air and Space Museum; and other considerations such as the growth in future visitation to the Institution, the impact of the more comprehensive subway system, and other changes to the demographics of the earlier study.  It was agreed that most of this study could be conducted by the staff with only minimal contractual assistance.

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