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The amount of Mall space that will be restored for exhibition purposes by the transfer of collections to the Support Center depends on needs at the Natural History and American History Museums. The needs are recognized to decompress, for protection and access, collections that will remain in the Natural History Building and to make necessary space changes for the benefit of both Natural History and American History programs. It appears that 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. of space might be freed. With regard to the North Capitol Street facility, the goal is to relocate about 30,000 sq. ft. of collection storage to the Support Center. 

As a part of our general exploration of opportunities, we have reaffirmed our interest in the International Trade Commission Building adjacent to the National Museum of American Art and Portrait Gallery, if and when it becomes excess property. We have also indicated to GSA our interest in exploring the possible transfer of approximately eight acres of government-owned land adjacent from the Mall. This site should be suitable for construction of a facility to house technical support activities now at North Capitol Street and in Mall buildings, such as exhibit preparations, printing and photographic services and craft shops.
The Regents will be kept informed as plans develop.