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[[underlined]] National Museum of American Art Committee [[/underlined]]

The Secretary reported that at its meeting on December 2, 1982, the Commission unanimously resolved to recommend that the Board of Regents amend Section I. B of the Bylaws for the National Museum of American Art Commission. The new Bylaws for the National Museum of American Art Commission, approved by the Board of Regents on January 26, 1981, specify that members of the Commission may hold office for four years and shall be eligible for reappointment. Under the proposed amendment, no member could serve more than two full consecutive terms without at least a one-year hiatus before being eligible for a third and final term. Thus the Commission has the impetus to accelerate the turnover of its membership and can bring to its deliberations a consistent flow of fresh and diverse perspectives.

Accordingly, the Commission respectfully proposed the following amendment to the Bylaws under Section I. B, [[underlined]]Organization of Membership[[/underlined]] (italics indicate new material):

This Commission is to consist of up to 24 members, including artists and experts as well as interested citizens, who shall be appointed by the Board of Regents [. [[strikethrough]] They shall hold office for four years and shall be eligible for reappointment. [[/strikethrough]] [[italics]] for a term of four years. A member may be appointed to a second term; however, after serving two full onsecutive terms, a member must retire from the Commission for at least one year before being eligible for a third and final term. In making appointments to the Commission, the Board of Regents shall stagger members' terms so that the terms of one-fourth of the members expire each year. [[/italics]] In the event of that member's unexcused absence from three or more consecutive meetings, the Commission may recommend the termination of that member's appointment. The Secretary of the Smithsonian shall be an [[underlined]]ex officio[[/underlined]] non-voting member of the Commission. 

The following motion was recommended and approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the amendment to the Bylaws of the National Museum of American Art Commission as submitted.