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[[underlined]] Program and Facility Accessibility [[/underlined]]

Program accessibility for disabled persons is overseen by the Office of Equal Opportunity. the OEO has responsibility for implementing regulations, monitoring the Institution's progress, and processing complaints brought under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Each major bureau within the Institution is responsible for making programs and activities accessible to visitors. The Institution is developing a comprehensive accessibility program for disabled visitors by making exhibits and programs more accessible from the planning stages as well as by making modifications to exhibitions and programs already in place. As a result, the exhibits and programs offered by the Institution are becoming more accessible through early planning efforts.

Some specific efforts are programs, such as interpreters for hearing impaired visitors and sign language classes for employees, which make exhibits more accessible and provide more individuals to assist hearing impaired visitors. The National Air and Space Museum has developed special programs and tours for mentally retarded adults. The National Museum of American History has installed an audio loop for use by hearing impaired persons in Carmichael Auditorium and has published large print and braille brooches of the George Washington exhibit for visually impaired persons. The Renwick Gallery has developed a large print/photographic package of the Celebrations exhibition