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exhibit specialists; historians; and varied scientific positions. The fact sheets discuss the academic disciplines necessary for Smithsonian positions.
The Office of Fellowships and Grants has organized Smithsonian presentations for five groups of National Institutes of Health Extramural Associates, senior science faculty from academic institutions at which minorities or women predominate, who spend six months in Washington under NIH sponsorship learning federal grant-making and research support systems. On returning to their institution they act as resources for their colleagues assisting in developing proposals and obtaining funding and are regularly receiving information about fellowships and internships. 

The National Academy of Sciences administers the 3-year-old Ford Foundation's postdoctoral fellowship program for minority scholars in humanities and science, relying each year on some fifty outstanding scholars, more than half of whom are minorities, to serve on panels to judge the applications for those fellowships. In March 1982 the Smithsonian entertained the panelists offering a brief overview of Smithsonian research and its fellowships and internships followed by a reception to bring Smithsonian scientists and scholars, bureau heads and Executive Committee members together with the panelists for further discussion. 

The lists of Ford Foundation minority fellows and panelists and of NSF minority graduate fellows have been used extensively in