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[[underlined]]National Museum Act[[/underlined]]
H.R. 6089, a bill to extend the authorization for appropriations under the National Museum Act, was introduced by the House Regents on April 6 and referred to the Committee on House Administration. 
A companion bill, S. 2390, was introduced by Senators Jackson and Goldwater April 15. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration held a hearing on the measure April 20 and reported it favorably with technical amendments on May 26. The Senate considered and passed the bill on June ninth. 
Although appropriations authority under the Act expired September 30, 1982, the FY 1983 Interior Appropriations bill includes $782,000 to continue the program. In accordance with the Regents' resolution of September 14, 1981 (Minutes, p.58), the Congressional Regents will be asked to introduce and support legislation reauthorizing the National Museum Act early in the first session of the Ninety-Eighth Congress. 

[[underlined]]International Exchange Service[[/underlined]]

Language incorporated into the FY 1983 Legislative Branch appropriations bill resolved the issue of the international distribution of Government documents by transferring responsibility from the Smithsonian Institution to the Government Printing Office. 

[[underlined]]Release of U.S.I.A. Film[[/underlined]]

On December 23, 1982 the President approved P.L. 97-388 which allows distribution in the United States of the film "Dumas Malone: A Journey With Mr. Jefferson".