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Exclusive of legislated pay increases, federal salaries and expenses are projected to increase approximately $75,000,000. Significant additions are forecast for such items as security and protection, utility costs, necessary pay increases, inflation in nonpay areas, equipping and operating the Museum Support Center and the Quadrangle, basic and interpretive research utilizing the collections and scientific and cultural information, improvement to technical and administrative support, and for physical plant operations and maintenance. 

Operations supported with nonappropriated trust funds and federal grants and contracts are expected to increase by approximately $57,000,000. These increases involve primarily the revenue producing activities, including the Magazine and the Smithsonian Press, where production expenses are predicted to increase considerably. Detailed forecasting of federal grant and contract activities is difficult to achieve, but the Institution expects some increasing support for various operations in future years. Finally, expenses associated with operations funded by restricted trust fund resources are expected to remain relatively stable, and these will continue to be accommodated largely by income related to restricted fund investments. 

The trust fund forecasts assume the Institution will make measured progress in increasing its capital reserves (endowments), thus approximately @2,000,000 to $3,000,000 a year is incorporated into the projections for this purpose. In addition, trust support for fellowship stipends, collections acquisition, research, and other educational activities is projected to be slightly higher in future years if economic conditions permit, and if the Institution's auxiliary and revenue-producing activities continue to perform in a satisfactory fashion. In addition, provision is made for an amount of $3,200,000 over FY 1984-85 towards construction of the Quadrangle. This amount represents the balance of the approximate $9,000,000 to be used for this purpose as previously approved by the Regents. Federal construction appropriations of $36,500,000, or one-half of the total estimated construction costs, have been received for FY 1983. Emphasis is being given to raising the balance of the funds from private donors to finish the project during the planning period. 

No major additions to physical facilities are expected over the next five years other than the Quadrangle and Museum Support Center. However, consideration is being given to accelerating the parking facilities and the aquatic habitat exhibit needed at Rock Creek for Zoological Park visitors, and to establishing a new permanent headquarters of modest size and cost for the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum. These projects are now under preliminary management review, along with a combined laboratory and office building at the Chesapeake Bay Center. Improvements and contemplated changes to other facilities include the installation of fire detection and suppression systems, the correction of other hazardous conditions and attention to disabled persons access, the provision of renovated and new facilities (especially at the Institution's field activities such as Mt. Hopkins, Arizona, and the Tropical Research Institute) and a continuing program of repairs and maintenance to all Smithsonian buildings.