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a breakdown of FY 1982 resources follows:

[[table, 3 columns]]

[[underlined]] Source of Funds | FY 1982
--- | Full Time Employment | FY 1982 Funds ($000s)[[/underlined]]

Federal Salaries & expenses | 38 | $1,211
Unrestricted trust | 42 | 7,539
Restricted trust | - | 219
Federal Grants & Contracts | [[underlined]]- | -[[/underlined]]
Total | 80 | $8,969

Unrestricted trust fund support is, for the most part, concentrated in the expenses of the recently reorganized Smithsonian Press.  The Visitor Information and Associates Reception Center is operated primarily with trust funds, but additional appropriated resources will be needed over the planning period.  Restricted purpose funds are occasionally obtained for support of special activities sponsored by various units; occasional federal grants and contracts fund portions of publications and other educational endeavors.  Federal appropriations largely support the publication of the basic technical and scientific series distributed by the Government Printing Office, and other publications and conferences.  Over the next five years most Public Service functions will grow somewhat, with staff and dollar resources added only to meet the most urgent needs. Increased federal support will be requested for the Visitor Information and Associates Reception Center planned to be administratively located in the Quadrangle to provide improved services to visitors and to individuals making inquiries about institutional activities via letters and telephone.  Substantial growth is expected to occur in trust expenses for the Press' publication activities over the planning period.

[[underlined]] Future Year Prospectus

Office of Telecommunications. [[/underlined]]  Through films, video and radio programs the Office of Telecommunications continues to reach a variety of audiences across the country.  The Office is constantly monitoring new developments in the media and is exploring a number of possible projects for cable, home video, videodisc, teleconferencing, and low-power television.  At the same time it is building on the current base of films and ongoing radio programs to create new materials for both commercial and public broadcasting. The consolidation in this Office of film and television personnel now located in the Institution will strengthen its capacity to serve the Smithsonian.

Under a grant from the McDonnell Foundation, the Smithsonian, in conjunction with ETA-TV, is developing a major series for public TV to be called [[underlined]] Smithsonian World. [[/underlined]]  Preliminary planning is being completed currently, and the first of seven one-hour programs to be produced under the grant is expected to air in early 1984.