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Conservation Analytical Laboratory will be centered in a newly formed Department of Archaeometry consisting, currently, of three full-time research scientists in addition to a number of senior visiting research fellows. The Department by 1986 will grow to at least six persons in addition to shared support personnel. Major fields of research currently include: neutron activation and lead isotope studies in cooperation with the Brookhaven National Laboratories and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) and the autoradiography of paintings in cooperation with NBS. Subject to the availability of funds, a tomography and image enhancement program will also be developed for the nonintrusive examination of important objects.

In addition to strengthening archaeometric work on collections at the Institution, a major goal of the Department will be to become the recognized repository for the research files and sample collections of noted researchers in the field. To implement this important function an archaeo-archivist will be retained. The Laboratory, with the current joint program of seminars and studies, its newly formed Department of Archaeometry, and in cooperation with the National Bureau of Standards, will continue to participate in conferences on archaeometry, and in 1984 will sponsor the 24th International Symposium for Archaeometry, which will take place in Washington. This will, undoubtedly, provide major stimulus and suggest new directions on research for the Institution's Department of Archaeometry.

[[underline]]Collections Management.[[/underline]] Collections management, particularly the maintenance of inventories of collections, has been established as an institutional priority for the coming years. Aside from the issues and requirements associated with the Conservation Analytical Laboratory and the specific references to collections managment/inventory matters appearing in the Science, History and Art, and other chapters, the Office of the Registrar will play an increasingly important role in collections management over the planning period. The Office will provide continuing assistance to bureaus in management of information about objects in collections, and will maintain information on the progress of collection inventory projects in the various bureaus. In addition, the Office will pursue implementation of recommendations made in the 1977 report on collections management to develop training programs to support Smithsonian personnel working in collection registration and related functions. The Office will continue to oversee the affairs of the Smithsonian's Registrarial Council and will collect and disseminate collections management information through this group.

In FY 1980, the Office integrated an Institution-wide approach for developing a statement on overall collections policies. Throughout FY 1981 and FY 1982, each bureau developed its policy, dealing with procedures on such specific topics as acquisitions, deaccessioning and loans. This Office conducted reviews and offered recommendations for preparation of the final drafts of those policies. In the future, the Office will maintain a complete file of the individual policies, along with other data on collections management, so that all relevant information on these activities may be readily accessible.