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119    Table 13

FY 1984-88

[[table 5 columns]]

[[underlined]] Activities [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1984 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1985 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1986 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1987 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] FY 1988 [[/underlined]] 

Program Operation [[underlined]] 1/ [[/underlined]] 
Federal S$E | 1,725 | 1,870 | 3,085 | 4,735 | 6,310
Trust Funds | 15,015 | 15,970 | 16,940 | 18,040 | 19,115
One-Time Costs | - | - | 5,550 | 875 | -

Building & Grounds 
Federal S&E | 100[[underlined]] 2/ [[/underlined]] | 105[[underlined]] 2/ [[/underlined]] | 1,050 | 1,445 | 1,515
Trust Funds | - | - | - | - | - 
One-Time Costs | - | - | 230 | - | -

Protection & Security 
Federal S&E | 100 [[underlined]] 3/ [[/underlined]] | 105 [[underlined]] 3/ [[/underlined]] | 840 | 1,765 | 1,855
Trust Funds | - | - | - | - | -
One-Time Costs | - | - | 1,660 | - | - 

Utilities | 35 [[underlined]] 4/ [[/underlined]] | 40[[underlined]] 4/ [[/underlined]] | 930 | 1,310 | 1,380

Federal S&E | 1,925 | 2,120 | 4,975 | 7,945 | 9,680
Trust Funds | 15,015 | 15,970 | 16,940 | 18,040 | 19,115
One-Time Costs [[underlined]] 5/ [[/underlined]] | - | - | 7,440 | 875 | - 
Utilities | [[underlined]] 35 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] 40 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] 930 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] 1,310 [[/underlined]] | [[underlined]] 1,380 [[/underlined]] 

Grand Total [[underlined]] 6/ [[/underlined]] | 16,975 | 18,130 | 30,285 | 28,170 | 30,175

[[underlined]] 1/ [[/underlined]] Program operations include the Sackler Gallery, Museum of African Art, National and Resident Associate Programs, Traveling Exhibitions, Visitor Information Offices, and the International and Education Centers. Figures include 1984-85 base operations for the Museum of African Art, all of which will be phased into the Quadrangle from present facilities as scheduling, construction, and the sale of Capitol Hill properties progress. Figures do not include Freer Gallery of Art base operations since they will not be redirected to Quadrangle activities but will permit various economies of scale, including administration of the Sackler Gallery which will be undertaken by Freer staff.
[[underlined]] 2/ [[/underlined]] Estimated horticulture costs in present Victorian Garden
[[underlined]] 3/ [[/underlined]] Estimated protection costs at present Museum of African Art.
[[underlined]] 4/ [[/underlined]] Estimated utilities for present Museum of African Art.
[[underlined]] 5/ [[/underlined]] Presently projected one-time costs (equipment and moving expenses) are federal; trust one-time costs will be estimated at a later date for such items as museum shop, Associate requirements, food service needs, and other activities.
[[underlined]] 6/ [[/underlined]] Figures are based on a spring 1982 review of program and operating plans, with costs escalated by four to six percent per year to incorporate compensation and inflationary trends. Additional funds will be raised from trust and donors to augment exhibit programs and selected activities in dollar amounts that cannot be estimated at this time.