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for their individual bands to act in the Counsel meettings for the Enterest of their bands when greverences is offered. I also sugest that these meetings of the Executive Board of Directors will be 4 times a year or quarterly on date set by convention unles a special call is nessary to be made and also sugest that at each meeting of the counsel that their Expenses be paid out of the State fund created by the union and that a rate of 2/50 per day be allowed while in attendance and that the Executive boar of directors in sending out the executive counsel to Look after the enterest of anyone tribe that a provision be made paying his expense and an allowance of 5/00 per day for his current expense the same being ordered paid when turned over to the Sec and treasure we also sugest to apoint a feild agent to visit each tribe an Local clubs that might become a part of the boy and take applications for approval to amit them in the confederacy upon per approved by the board of directors and that he be allowed his expense and fee for Services Rendered I also sugest that the Secertary to be out upon a salary nessary to pay her per Services Rendere , And that what nessary publicity needed be published for the benifit of all the tribes be allowed with expense of paper envelops and supplies to maintain the office