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of a high school centrally Located so the 3 counties can access there to help us build the School if there ^[[insertion]] are [[/insertion]] hear who sympathise for us as a race who is neither white nor collered but true descendants of the Rappahannock tribe of King powhatan and are Seeking for the rights of free Speech and [[recognition?]] universally and a right to call and intertribal convention So that we can get by the Indian Bureaux in Washington to make known our Grevances [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] we want just to help us. Meterially [[are?]] finansely 16 [[ants?]] ago we organized with about 10 members and today our membership roll has been Swelled and we have been Honored by the Chamber of Comerce in frederixburg [[Or I ah?]]. An expense of abe 700,00 to our members and treasury department formust place in their 250th anniversary of the founding of their city a great honor in the acomplishment The Rappahannocks also succeedid in obtaining a charter under the State law. Last February 10th and Sent a proclamation to our presedint through the governor and it was aknoledge by him for further consideration This organization has a good bit of censorship but I want to Say that this generation will no Longer Stand for the things of the past but are going to push forward for their individual ^[[insertion]][[?]][[/insertion]] as Citizen Indians and proclaim to every Nation who are Enjoying the privelages of Education to Lend us and financely So that our little one who are born and sch. to born in the comeing generation may have access to an Education of the head and hand to meet the Requirements of the world who is far advancing and Read [[firsthand?]] Bringing things that never ocured before