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This platform is up to the Different tribes of Va for further consideration

No. 1 that the name of the united organization shall be the United of Confederacy of Powatan

No. 2 that the different tribes will meet together in a convention to elect and official body with Representatives connect from each Individual band.
3rd that they will appoint and Executive Council his duty to be to approach the State and government when order so to do. by the official board of Directors.
4th provisions to be made for the current expenses of putting into effect the different tribes Greverances (?)at the Convention. Each tribe have their chief and official body on the board and that the official board to meet quarterly to take up the matters officially pertaining to the different tribes and also the finance committee to provide for the nessary expense.
6th and on this board will be a Sec. appointed and Assistant Sec. Tresury Asst Tresuary the Sec. to recd a compensation for her work and provisions to be made for nessary Expenses Such as publicity paper and stationaire
7th A filed agent to go into the field to continue to organize and get in all Eligibles into the organization.