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The history of the human race is an evolution or development. The Eastern peoples seemed to have reached a mature state first. The course of progress as well as of Empire was Westward. When Columbus moved by the desire for discovery, wealth, prestige and conquest, pushed boldly across the unknown seas, and discovered the outlying islands of the New Continent, he discovered what seemed to him far more valuable-- a race of copper-colored people. Thinking he had reached the east coast of India he called the natives Indians. 

Upon his return to Spain having given his glowing account of the tropical fruits and rich mines, and delivered his ornaments of gold, he added also, "thousands of natives ready to become converts to Christianity." From that day until the present, attempts more or less wise and successful have been made to educate and train the native American Indian for civilization and Christianity.

Mission Schools

The first attempt to give the natives the benefit of higher development of civilization and Christianity was made by the Jesuit Fathers of the Roman Catholic Church in the North. After untold suffering, privation and self sacrifice, they succeeded in planting the seed which was in later days destined to bear fruit for the Indian race. These were soon followed by other zealots of the several denominations