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careful in their work and have remarked after taking up a trade that they learned to work in the laundry. Al the children are urged to do their best and with close attention to their work, with the experience gained during the Outing and the training received at the school laundry most of them become excellent laundresses.

Horticulture and Green House Work

We have a modern equipment in the greenhouses, with everything necessary to successful work. Instructions are given in the different methods and processes of flower culture.

Proper kinds of soil and suitable fertilizers, with their component parts--time and manner of planting sowing seeds, cultivating and keeping favorable conditions for plant growth.

Hybridizing as a means of improving and producing new varieties--selection, planting and cultivating shrubbery; budding, grafting, propagating and pruning trees for lawn or orchard;

To instruction will be added the opportunity for practical application of this knowledge, by actual experience on the large campus and orchards of the farms.

Instruction and practice in decorating and beautifying grounds with a view to arousing aesthetic tastes and ambition to improve and beautify surroundings of his own home.

Trucking and gardening is under the supervision of this department and abundant opportunity afforded to learn invaluable lessons in gardening.

Poultry Raising Dairying

Instructions in setting hens, and also in hatching with incubators.


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Selectin of eggs, Time for hatching, Temperatures of incubators, Cleanliness, Kind of feed best adapted to chicks and best for old hens, Care of eggs, Treatment of diseases common to poultry, Roup, Rip, Canker, etc. At present the flock numbers about 2,000.

This department has four large poultry houses, a large brooder house and four incubators having an average capacity of about 150 eggs each.


Milking, Separating cream by hand separator, Churning, Care of milk, cream and butter.

Care of herd, Feeding, Cleaning bedding, Treatment common disease among milch cows.  Time for weaning and care of calves and heifers, Selections of feed and its preparation to produce best results. A herd of about 50 cows are used on the farm for production and practical training.

The Dairy has a Sharples' Tubular Separator and a large churn run by a gasoline engine. The engine is used, also to run a pump which supplies water to the farm house, barn, milk house, etc.

Supply Department

The personnelle of it consists of one Quartermaster, with pupils to assist.

It provides everything:--clothing, provisions, feed for animals, material for farms and shops.

All supplies are estimated for, on annual estimate for 1000 pupils and 85 employees, and 150 head of stock.