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The smallest boys and girls can be assembled in their respective assembly rooms with a teacher or other employee in charge. Short stories, especially those containing a good moral lesson which can be applied toe very day life; short talks on manners, etc., suitable to boys and girls of this age, as well as games and other amusements are all appropriate.

To give every boy and girl a chance to spend at least one quiet hour each week in  he library, special schedules will be prepared.

The Library Hour can be used for study, exchange of books, miscellaneous reading, as the pupils see fit, Teachers will assist this work.

The Principal Teacher will report from time to time to the Superintendent as to the efficacy of this system, and it is hoped that matrons, disciplinarians, teachers, and other employees will do all in their power to thus lead the pull into habits of self improvement.   

W. A. MERCER, Major 11th Cavalry, Superintendent.

Regular details of teachers are doing affectual work in carrying out this order.


A schedule like the following is made for each month:--

Blacksmith shop - School Room No. 7
Gardening including green house - " "[[ditto for School Room]] Normal
Carpenter Shop - " "[[ditto for School Room]] No. 1
Paint "[[ditto for Shop]] - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 2
Farm including poultry and dairy departments | " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 4 1/2 
Wagon making department - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 3 
Harness " "[[ditto making department]] - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 4 
Shoe Shop - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 5 
Tin Shop - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 7 
The Paintery - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 8 
Tailor Shop - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 9
Engineering department - " " "[[ditto for School Room No.]] 10 


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The instructor of each industrial department assists in giving general information as to the work of his department.

The pupils are provided with note books and under the guidance of both academic and industrial teacher make notes of their observations.  These notes are afterwards used for composition work in the class room and whenever possible are substituted for recitations, etc., on the monthly entertainment program.

As nearly all of our teachers industries live off the grounds, the plan of having these teachers give talks to the pupils in this way in the different shoes meets in a more practical way the need of chapel talks on the same subjects.  The shop itself, as might be expected, is a wonderful help to the talk.

The plan so far has proved of much benefit in the way of combining industrial with academic work.


Monday A. M. and Thursday P. M. respectively the morning and afternoon pupils meet in the Auditorium for chapel exercises.

An opportunity is thus afforded to bring before the school matters of special interest to all.


The teachers have regular teachers' meeting one hour a week.  Methods of teaching and class management are discussed for half an hour. The other half hour is usually devoted to the reading and discussion of some book on pedagogy or articles in magazines that are especially helpful to our work.

The teachers are also required to spend a half hour each week in a shop and so familiarize themselves with the work that they can make their teaching more practical.