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This year about eighty small boys and girls ranging in age from seven to fourteen are cared for all day in the normal rooms.  They are divided into six classes.  The highest class is just beginning fourth grade work.

The pupil teachers are taken chiefly from the junior and senior classes. The senior girls come one half day and the juniors the other half day. Each pupil teacher takes a class for two months--one month for the morning work and the next the afternoon.  They have certain subjects for which they are responsible and which they must teach step by step, day after day.

The Normal Department consists of one large room where the pupils study and have their general exercises and six small rooms. Five of these are recitation rooms, the other one is fitted up as a study room for the teachers.  Here outlines and references to books and magazines which the teachers use in preparing their work, are placed on the Board.

The hours are long for little children in order to relieve them form too great mental and nervous strain we set aside a period every afternoon for some hand training.

They sew and weave and do a great deal of raffia and reed work and their little faces show the pleasure they take in this recreation work.  In the spring and fall the pupils are given a recess.  In the winter months they learn songs and play games and listen to stories, all of which is a part of the training of the pupil teachers.

The object in establishing and maintaining this department at Carlisle is to furnish temporary substitutes in the lower grades of our own school and to give the girls such training as will enable them to be more intelligent mothers to take positions as assistants in other places where they will have charge of children.


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The requirements for entrance into the normal room at a good moral character, a general knowledge of housework and a full share of time spent in the various girls' industrial departments of our school.  The matron and heads of these departments are always consulted before a girl is admitted as a pupil teacher.

To guard against pupils spending time in this department who are not especially adapted to the work, the number of pupil teachers is limited to three in the morning and tree in the afternoon.

At present the majority are Alaskans who will not have to pass a Civil Service Examination in order to obtain a position among their own people and who seem to be especially fitted for the work.

The interest of the individual and the school in general rather than the success of any department at the expense of all others is the ideal for which Carlisle is striving in this as well as in all other departments.



9:00 A. M. Mass in town.
3:15 P.M. Benediction in Y.M.C.A. hall.

6:00 P.M. Instruction for large boys in Y.M.C.A. hall.

6:00 P.M. Instruction for small boys in Small Boys' Quarters

6:00 P.M. Instruction for girls in Y.M.C.A. hall.


9:00 A.M. Sunday School at the different churches in town (for boys only).
11:00 A.M. Services at the different churches in town.


9:00 A.M. Sunday School in the Auditorium.
3:15 A. M. Chapel Service in the Auditorium.
7:00 P.M. Y.M.C.A. meeting in Y.M.C.A. hall.
7:00 P.M. Y.M.C.A. meeting in Girls' Quarters.
Note:-Attendance at the 9:00 A.M. and the 3:00 P.M. services on Sunday is compulsory. pupils as a rule selecting the service or church of their own or their parents' religion.