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I will obey the above [[blank line for name]] [[blank line for name]], Pupil Carlisle, Pa. [[blank line for month and day]] 190 [[blank space for year]] I will comply and enforce the above [[blank line for name]] [[blank line for name]], Patron [[blank line for month and day]] 190[[blank space for year]] NOTE: Three copies of this will be signed by all parties concerned, one copy to remain on file in the Superintendent's office, one to go to patron, one to pupil. INDIAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Carlisle, Pa. [[blank line for month and day]] 190[[blank space for year]]190 . [[blank line for name]] [[blank line for name]] Our object is placing pupils in families is to educate them in English and the customs and industries of civilized life. We send out a number of the least advanced pupils April 1st; more advanced ones the 1st of May; the most experienced the middle of June. The latter return to the school September 1st; others September 15th, unless they are to remain during the winter. Pupils remaining out over winter must attend school at least 100 days continuously, and their labor out of school hours must pay their keep. They are paid as other persons according to ability. Wages can be arranged after two weeks' trial, but are to commence when pupil is received, and should be advanced as deserved. I must be kept informed of the wages fixed upon and any changes thereafter. W. A. MERCER, Major and Superintendent. Tear off this and return it to me. Please answer the following questions. 1. Who are your references? 2. Who compose your family? 3. What other employees do you keep? 74 [[end page]] [[start page]] 4. Are you or any of your family profane or users of tobacco or liquor as a beverage? 5. What religious services does your family attend, and would the pupil have the same privilege? 6. What will be the nature of - work? 7. What wages do you expect to give? Signature, [[blank line for name]] [[blank line for name]] P. O. [[blank line for box no.]] [[blank line]] Date [[blank for date]] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATE INDIAN SERVICE Carlisle, Pa. - 190 . DEAR FRIEND:- Please oblige me by giving information asked below, and return this paper to me in the enclosed envelope. Any information you will give will be treated confidentially. Are you acquainted with [[blank line for name]] of [[blank line location]]? Is whiskey, tobacco or profanity used in the family? Are they persons of good habits? What kind of help do they employ? Are they kind to employees? Do they pay promptly. Who compose the family? Of what Religious Society are the members? Very truly yours, W. A. MERCER, Major and superintendent To [[blank line]] School Government BOYS-The government of the school is military only so far as is necessary for caring for large numbers, and as is believed to be beneficial in character building. The girls are divided into four troops according to size-the small boys are likewise arranged in troops of several platoons. The body of the 75