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Dr. Bowen provided the Committee with an overview of the progress in the search for a new Secretary, noting that the Search Committee will meet again September 18, 1983 and will report further to the Board of Regents. 

Following the executive session Secretary Ripley joined the meeting along with Under Secretary Phillip S. Hughes, Assistant Secretary for Administration John F. Jameson, Treasurer Christian C. Hohenlohe, Executive Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins, and Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice Mark W. Cannon. The Executive Committee reviewed the proposed agenda for the September 19, 1983 meeting of the Board of Regents and observed that, with the amplifications below, the agenda papers reflect the Committee's views. The Committee expressly endorsed each of the proposed actions. 

Noting with extreme sorrow the sudden death of Senator Jackson, the Committee received a draft of a memorial citation to be forwarded to Mrs. Jackson. A revised draft (presented above) was to be proposed for the Regents' consideration. The Chancellor reported that he attended the Senator's funeral and joined the Committee in lamenting the enormous gap he has left. 

The Executive Committee, serving as a search committee to find a successor to Regent J. Paul Austin, discussed the full slate of 17 qualified nominees for the new citizen Regent. With the Chancellor's concurrence the Committee recommended Mr. Samuel C. Johnson of Racine, Wisconsin, noting his current association with and interest in the Institution through membership on the National Board of Smithsonian Associates, his residence in the midwest, and his involvement in the American corporate community. The Chancellor confirmed Mr. Johnson's willingness to stand for nomination, whereupon the following motion was suggested and approved: