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May 12th '68

Mr Kimball

The colored school of Shepherdstown, Chaflain township, Jefferson, Co, W.V.A, now under my Supervision, is in a progressing State, & floorishing finely, the colored People seem highly gratified with their school & manifest a great desire in behalf of Education. notwithstanding, the tide of popular prejudices in Shepherdstown, rolls heavily against colored rights, The Rebels treat me with the basest of comtempt; The colored People desire me to Stay with them till nex spring, in case I Engage with them for that period of time, I shal want to go North to spend the month of August, will Transportation be granted at the close of this term, The Stageman would not Except the inclosed paper, Stage fair $,75 cents

Respectfully yours,
Wm W Gaskill