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Waterbury, Md., May 13th, 1868.

Supt. Kimball: 

Your kind letter of the 8th inst. has been received. I will continue my school till the 1st. of June, as the Society requires and you desire. Will it be possible for me to obtain all my salary by the 1st. of June? Capt. Wall wrote to me that, if I remained here until my time was out, you might possibly furnish me with transportation home. If it is possible to aid me in this way, I wish you would do so. My school is progressing rapidly. We had an exhibition on the 8th inst. I will be loth to give up my school when the time comes for me to vacate.

No more at present.

I remain
Yours truly,
James M. Gregory
Waterbury, Anne Arundel Co., Md.