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Frostburg, Alleghany, Co, M.D
May 28th 1868

Rev John Kimball, Supt of Education
Washington, DC

Dear Sir

I look Some for you up this way Soon, but for fear you will not come I thought  I would write and inform you of the conditions of the School. I have a very large School at preasant numbering 50 Scholars, The Colored people here manifest a Strong interest in learning: though I fear they will not be able to keep up the School; without more help from Some Source.

They have to pay 22 Dollars a Month for my board which is over 10 cents a piece for all the Scholars attending School (that is per week) and there are a large number of Scholars, for the number of Colored people who have this bill to pay. Some of them Sending five or Six Children apiece, which costs them 60 or 70 cents per week, and they complain that they cannot do it (that they are [[underlined]] to poor [[/underlined]])