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Frostburg, Alleghany Co. M.D
July 17th 1868

Rev John Kimball
Supt of Education

Dear Sir
Yours of the 16th inst Stateing that my agreement, as your Agent. of the Bureau would close on the 15th of Aug, has been received. It was very unexpected news to me. I would like to remain here one year if I could and teach but the Colored people are certainly to destitute to keep up a School them Selves, for it appears at present quite difficult for them to pay the board

They manifest a Strong in'st in educational matters: So much So that they desire me to continue the School through this warm weather and not have any vacation at all They are very anxious to build a School-house, also, and intend to commence it the 15th of Aug't. I hear that the Bureau is going to close now soon: as to that you know best. I Suppose you will