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Oakville Saint Mary's County Oct. 4th 1869.
Rev. John Kimball.
Dear Sir,
My time has run out, and my School has come to a close. Since I have been here the people have treated me very well.
I held an examination at the close of my school, and I was very much pleased on seeing them pass such a good examination.
The parents, and the people that were there seemed to be very much pleased; And I think great many of the people that were there were sorry that they did not send their children to School.
I did not have a large attendance at my school: but what few I did have were very diligent about their studies.
I have not suffered for want of food: for the people in this part of the country are very good feeders. I am about to leave here tomorrow morning, and get ready for to return back to my School again as it has already commenced. I have nothing more to say only that the people who sent their children to school appeared to be very well satisfied.
From your obedient Servant
Jesse Gould