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Piscataway. Prince.
Dec 16th 1869

Mr D. G. Swain
Supt of Education
Washington D.C

Dear Sir
Yours of the 11th inst was received on the 14th and am sorry to say notwithstanding the trustees at Broad Creek School told me in October they would be ready to receive a teacher and open School Nov 1st. on inquiry I find they have not kept their promis in nothing that was essential in carrying on the school. they were to get some bricks to put up a flue or chimney for their stove they also were to collect money to pay the board of the teacher none of which they have done not even the men who told me of their readiness have sent their children to school. I have seen Mr Douglas and told him what you wanted him to do and he promised to do so
he says he written to you on the 13th and is waiting  for an answer. I have been told by some of the people they will not be ready to send their children to the Broad Creek School until after Christmas
Very Respectfully Yours
Levin W. Gaines