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Robey Town Jany 30th 1869

Mr Kimble

Dear Sir
   On Monday the 3rd of February which is next Monday if the Lord is willing I shall be up to see you with the ^deed^ already executed for the school house property at this place if fair & if not the first fair day; on [[underlined]] Tuesday [/underlined]] all those parties to whom the property is deeded will meet me and assist in posting and laying out the premises, so that there will be no trouble hereafter  I will give them quit & peaceable possession of it and then I will present the Deed to you  Shall I call where I met you the other day  if so you need not answer  I will get there between 10 1/2 & 11 o clock  I give you notice so as not to be detained as you kno how it is with me  Large bodies moves slow.
            Your Friend & obt servt
                 T B Robey