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Esteemed Friend    Sandy Spring 2nd Mo: 21st 1869

J Kimball - Thy letter of the 15th inst was duly received. and in reply I have to state that I have been unable to talk (as yet) with the trustees of Sharp Street Sandy Spring School, but had a talk with the teacher to [[insert]] day [[/insert]] and exacted a promise from him to send the a report on the 1st of next month, He says he has but one form which he will fill up pre next month, which if he does, probably thee can send him some more.

Respectfully thy friend
B. Rush Roberts

P.S. I propose to be an applicant for the office of Assessor for the 5th Congressional District of Maryland and believe that I can get testimonials from all the republicans in this neighborhood, and a large majority of them in the County if necessary; can thee give me any aid, through Genl Howard or by thy influence in any other direction - I would be glad to hear from thee,  We are all in Usual health, and my family join me in kind regards for thy wife & self.
Is Mrs Jane Clark still in Washington 

Respectfully [[underlined]] B. Rush Roberts [[/underlined]]