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They will not put themselves out of their way one hair's breadth for [[strikethrough]] the [/strikethrough]] this purpose. The matter has to be [[underlined]] forced [/underlined]] upon them.
I would now call your attention to some facts, which involve the success and, even the existence of my school. The school ^[[insert]] room [/insert]] which I have thus far occupied, is under the entire control of this man Fisher. He has avowed his purpose repeatedly to break up the school, and have control of the Methodist children. He wishes to be principal instead of assistant. It has been under constant difficulties, which I cannot detail to you that I have kept the school in operation thus far. The house was once denied me, but by dint of persuasion and argument on behalf of all these scholars, who are eager for instruction, I have been permitted to occupy the house a few days proper. Mr. Fisher was engaged by the trustees of the school for one month. His time is expired, [[strikethrough]] and he has not been seen [/strikethrough]] some days ago, and he says he will teach no longer, unless he can have the school. The insolence of this man, and the opposition of the trustees, I will not detail. I will just mention, that the trustees took action a few days ago to expel from my school all over twenty one on the alleged ground that they ^[[insert]] talked against Fisher and so [/insert]] made disturbance in my school which means that Fisher wanted them

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