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Charleston, West Va.,
Mch. 2nd, 1868.

Rev. John Kimball,
Supt. of Education:

Dear Sir: Enclosed I send you school reports, such as I have. I discovered that I was out of Bureau blanks too late to send for them in time; so I have made out the reports for Charleston, on the blanks of Missionary Assoc. The facts are all included in them, and in this letter. My school was started again in latter half of February, in the old Academy building, which is abandoned property. It was the only place to be 
obtained. There will be no rent to pay. The fuel may cost from six to ten dollars. It would not be well to charge this to the freedmen [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] for several reasons, and especially at this season of the year. My school was commenced immediately after Fisher closed his, to go to Conference at Georgetown, D.C. Someone here managed to get the School board and trustees to sign a petition to Bishop Jones, to have Fisher returned here another year. Another numerously