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comprising 122 specimens. Number of entries in reptile catalogue, for the year ending June 30th 1888, 83.

Spec'ms rec'd for year ending June 30th '86, | 1.705
Spec'ms rec'd for year ending June 30th '87, | 503
Spec'ms rec'd for year ending June 30th '88, | 122
Spec'ms in "Reserve Series", | 9.631
Spec'ms in "General Series", | 8.819
Exhibition series, selected for, Domestic, | 600
Exhibition series, selected for, Foreign, | 150
Not classified, and exotic spec'ms, probably | 6.134
[[tally line]]
Total: | 27.664

Last catalogue number in June '87, | 14.722
Last catalogue number in June '88, | 14.805

[[strikethrough]] H. C. Y. Arrow. Hon. Curator of Reptiles [[/strikethrough]]