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Furnish Branch A. A. County Md.

March 25th 1870

W. L. Vanderlip Superintendent of Education

Dear Sir

The school here taughed by W. Still is mooving on in good shape and I think made tolerable good improvement for the time the school have been started  The people as many as I talked with say that they like the teacher verry well and would like verry much to have him stay till June 30th if you could make it convenient to do so  The school has about 40 scholars average attendance and 90 on the Rool Book. The House is in only tolerable good condition roughly plastered &c. This school is among those lately started and could be made a verry flurishing school  The teacher says the society sent him out have orderd him to close on the last of this month and unless you countermand that order he will do so  Yours J.H. Butler