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A visit to the colored school in charge of Miss M. L. Hoy near Prince Frederick

Learning that Miss Hoy was to have an exhibition at her school house on the sixth day of June 1870 I went to see how far she had advanced her scholars and the arrangement she had made for the ocasion. 

I was very agreeably surprised to see how nice she had decorated the house. Outside was as white as snow while the inside was very tastfully dressed with evergreens 

The first thing that attracted my attention when I entered the doore was the flag of our country displayed at full length in the rear of the teachers desk on the wall, and just above was the words, Persevere. Progress advance. in large capital letters of ever green 

on the wall on each side was circles of evergreen and in the center of each was a star the was dressed in evergreen also. all was the work of her own hands as there seems to be a disregard of the referral by the trustees as they did not aid her in the least. on the left as I entered the doore was seated the boys and on the right the girls was seated neatly dressed, the girls being dressed in white. at 4 oclock P M the meeting was opend by the rev. T Gross with payer after which the performance commenced by opening address of A. W. Brooks a lad about elevin years of age which was delivered in a clear and distinct of voice and then in regular rotation the scholars went through