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Hatten, Martha | Nov. 14, 1867

Hatton, George W. | Sept. 8, Dec. 14, 1867

Hatton, Henry | Sept. 23, 1866; 1867 (n.d.)

Hawes, Mary L. | Oct. 20, Nov. 5, Dec. 24, 1867

Hays, Joseph | Sept. 11, 1868

Heacock, Eliza | Dec. 21, 1865; Feb. 5, 1866

Henry, Bvt. Maj. George E. | June 4, July 17, Aug. 20, Oct. 4, Dec. 18, 22, 1866; Mar. 9, Apr. 16, June 4, 21, July 6, 11 (2), 1867

Higgs, Lt. A. F. | Mar. 31, Apr. 8, 19, 26, June 13 (2), ^[[1867,]] 1867 (n.d.)

Hill, John W. | June 11, 1867

Hines, Mr. O. E. | Dec. 5, 1866

Hogeborn, Harriet M. | June 1, 1866

Holbrook, Mr. D. | Sept. 28, 1867

Holmes, S. Julia | Feb. 25, 1867

Hopkins, Mrs. I. A. | Dec. 8, 1866

Howard, Gen. C. H. | Apr. 23, 1866; Mar. 30, May 31, Sept. 16, 1867; Sept. 12, 1868

Howard, Dr. H. N. | Sept. 7, 1866; Oct. 31, Nov. 13, Dec. 2, 1867

Howell, Sallie | Oct. 9, 1868

Howland, Emily | Sept. 19, Nov. 21, 1867

Hoyt, Charles F. | Oct. 9, 1865

Hugill, J. | Nov. 17, 1865

Hunt, Robert B. | Aug. 20, 1867

Hunt, Samuel | July 3, Aug. 28, Sept. 1, 21, Oct. 25, 1866

^[[UR 7]]

Transcription Notes:
I'm reopening to insert double spaces between entries for readability -- Beth