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Alex'a Va., Nov. 22nd 1865.

Rev. John Kimball
Supt. Colored Schools, &c.

Dear Bro.
You have probably been informed that pursuant to the advice of Gen. Eaton, on the day that I was at Wash'n Mrs. Lord was notified to close her connection with the Barracks School, and has not been in since. I felt sorry that it should be necessary, for the combined reasons, that she seemed to be doing well for the children, that I had failed to learn any definite act of which she was guilty, and that that it would give those whom I believe from other notions than her good, and the good of the school, to triumph. However, I hope it may do something to stop the clamor of scandal mongers, and resulting result in some ultimate good. I was told that on the same day Mrs. L. was, by some of the leading colored people, offered a situation in a school, more to her advantage.