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has always received it when in my power, and has now borrowed money in his hands which I have needed myself, and is at this moment - with all he has said about quarters near us - occupying quarters which I have rented and am paying $250.00 per year for! Miss Collins was daily eating at out table while secretly laying plans for our overthrow, and was full of smiles and soft words. Our labors have from the first been on the ground where we are, where I suppose we have given instruction to about 700 different persons - while they have never either of them had schools nor have now in this vicinity. So that if there was any fault to be found it should have been on our part. But we had no idea of finding any fault, feeling as though that was your matter, who we think are qualified, when you have facts before you, to manage it to the advantage of all concerned.

As I told you with regard to Minnie, she has an extensive acquaintance, and is sociable 

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with everybody who behave themselves, both white and black, old and young alike. If she has ever been guilty of immodest language or conduct in all her multiplied associations, I have yet to learn that fact. Her associates have generally visited in our family, being for the most part either relatives connected with the army, or those connected with regiments from our quarter or persons to whose comfort she had administered in the hospitals. She did not belong to the same society with the other teachers, and they were in no way responsible for her conduct, or our associations. Whether they were our relations, or particular friends was no concern of theirs. Minnie has claimed that, after being confined during school from the air, she had right of way in the air when out of school. The parties complaining have exercised all their liberties and nobody has troubled themselves about it though if they chose would not look for occasion to put reports in circulation, and then go about and ask people