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Boston Mass
Sept 15th. 1865.

Mr John Kimball

Dr Sir
Your letter of the first of this month has been received. it is addressed to my Father who has been dead this many years, and his business has passed from my hands into Mr. Wm O Haskell's to whom I can refer you with the satisfaction of knowing that whatever you purchase of him you will find a well made and in every way a substancial article.

Since receiving your letter I have visited Mr Haskells Ware rooms and find he is pressed with orders but will be able to fill your demands in a month or six weeks

His prices are for the sizes double desks & chairs that you require $7.50. - $6.50 & $5.50. this includes screws to set them up and delivered at the depot in radiness for transportation.

Mr Haskill will write you more particularly - If My services are of any advantage to you in looking after these matters, I shall do so with pleasure.

I am Sir your most Obt Svt
[[signature]] Sigourney Wales [[/signature]]